Nzema Language Course
Are you looking for an Nzema Language Course to learn? Learn the basics of the Nzema language; learn to have conversations in various situations.
What Nzema language courses does Ayekoo Afrique offer?
NZEMA FOR BEGINNERS (single lesson)
- 60 minutes per session
- Personalised lesson plan
- Prompt feedback and dedication from instructors
- Lesson recorded on demand
- After class care
- Class recorded on demand
11% Off
- 6 Lessons in package
- 1-on-1 Classes
- Lifetime access to the course instructor/mentor
- Classes and after-class are available on Zoom, WhatsApp and Facebook.
- All features of the single plan included
Nzema Language Course for Beginners (Level A1)
Who is this Nzema language course for?
With our Nzema One-on-one Beginner Course, you will learn:
This Nzema Language Course features:
– 6 Lessons
– One-On-one Classes
– Lifetime access to the course instructor/mentor
– Classes and after-class practices are available on both Web and Mobile across Video friendly and chat platforms like Zoom, WhatsApp and Facebook.
– This course has been taught to students from the USA and UK for over 80 hours.
Who is this course for?
This course may be eligible for:
– People who have little knowledge of the Nzema language.
– People who grew up around Nzema speakers but want to learn how to speak fluently on their own.
What will you learn in this Nzema language course?
– Understanding the Subject Pronouns
– How to refer to people and places
– Possessive Pronouns and verbs
– How to reference ownership of your properties
– Asking questions and answering them
– How to use past tenses, future tenses, continuous tenses and present tenses.
– How to tell time
– The days of the week
– The months of the year and much more!
The Nzema Language is one of the numerous Ghanaian language. Itcomprises both written and unwritten aspects of learning. The written (grammar) is made up of the rules of writing the language whilst the Oral talks about the Cultural aspects of the Nzema People. The Nzema’s has one of the rich histories spanning from where they came from down to where they live, their different foods, dressings, festivals (Kundum) etc.
![nzema kundum festival](https://www.ayekooafrique.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Kundum-Festival-2.jpeg)
This isn't just a language course. Immerse yourself in the Nzema culture!
- In this course, you will have the opportunity to learn how to speak the Nzema Language fluently if not as a native speaker.
- Also, you will get to know about most, if not all, histories about the Nzema people and their culture. Moreover, get to know about how the Nzema people came to the Nzema land, how some festivals came about and how they are celebrated, where the clans of Nzema came from and their various symbols, history about key personalities such as Kaku Aka (famous Nzema King) Dr. Kwame Nkrumah etc.
- The course will also take you through chieftaincy and enstoolment, history about some Nzema communities, naming ceremony, widowhood rites, marriage ceremony, funeral rites etc.
- The course will also talk about The Nzema State basically the demarcations of the Nzema land and their various passed and present kings and queens who ruled as well as many more exciting lessons that will help the student to be integrated into the Nzema culture.
- The course also entails embarking on virtual tours bot interesting places like Nzulezo (the only stilt village in Ghana), the birth place of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Awiaso (the birth place of King Kaku Aka) and other interesting places the instructor will introduce.
What about the Nzema people?
The Nzema are primarily farmers. Days are organised in seven-day cycles, which follow each other in a three-week cycle, according to their traditional calendar. They have a matrilineal kinship structure in which property and descent are passed down through the maternal lines.
Every year, the Ahanta-Nzema region has a religious Kundum Festival. Its start is timed to coincide with harvest season, and local communities decide when that happens. It begins in Ahanta’s easternmost reaches and moves southwestward with the harvest season. The drumming, singing, and dancing rituals last four weeks and are thought to be the community’s way of expelling devils and protecting its good fortune.